15 Stories From Housekeepers That Truly Stunned Us

Tired of being bossed around by their employers, many people are now choosing whom to work for and are doing odd jobs here and there. Such is the case of some hourly maids. Yet, they still can’t escape working for shameless people.
This proves that a thorough cleanup is the least laborious part of their job. Fortunately, with a little ingenuity, most of them have managed to get out of uncomfortable situations.

- I used to work as a house cleaner. One woman hired me to clean her house once on a trial basis, and if she liked how I did, the deal was she would have me come back regularly. Or so I thought.
She gave me a long lecture about why she was so important because of the parties her husband threw and all the important people he invited. Then walked me through the house pointing out their expensive abstract paintings and giving me little tidbits about each one. So far nothing had to do with cleaning.
She turned to me very suddenly and warned me, “I don’t tolerate theft. Do you understand me? You may think because we have a lot of money that it’s okay to steal from us, but it’s not.” I nodded. Then she was all friendly again. © amitoughenouss / Reddit - I worked as a housekeeper for my boss as a side job, and she was really filthy… One day, I was getting ready to start, and she came up to me and said, “Oh my gosh, I’m so embarrassed and this is really gross, but my son (he was 4 years old) is playing with dog poo.” I stared at her and then went to the living room, where this kid had smeared dog poo all over the front window! © Turntopage-394 / Reddit
- Buddy of mine used to clean houses with his mom. He told me about this one massive mansion they would clean and how there were no mirrors in the entire house. There also weren’t a lot of windows and if there were, they had thick drapes. He met the family only once and told me they were very pale and quiet people. He worked for vampires. © drop-mylife-away / Reddit

- There’s a house that I do regularly where the teens’ bathroom is completely trashed every single time I go. The house is done every other week. There are candy wrappers, empty cans, clothes, open makeup, and other beauty products everywhere.
The lady is also rude when interacting with me. Her kids don’t even bother picking up after themselves. Then their mother talks to me like I’m a subhuman. Not a great job, but I’m sticking with it for now. © Kafkaesque92 / Reddit - Cleaning a holiday home, and it was clear they’d had a croissant fight. It was everywhere, along with jam and such. The pantry was literally covered in every kind of food. So they must’ve had the fight literally as they left or were just sitting in it for a while. I couldn’t fathom it. © timmystwin / Reddit
- I very briefly worked as a house cleaner, so I didn’t have time to see some really weird stuff, but I still had a couple of experiences that had me going “Huh?” For example, an elderly woman living in a moderately-sized house. The house was always very orderly, so it was a breeze to clean, but the woman had moderate Parkinson’s, so there were things she couldn’t do herself, like cleaning out her fridge.
I did it a couple of times, and one of the last times I was there, I found 20+ packets of cheese slices piled in her fridge. Just piles and piles of sliced cheese packets. I didn’t ask, but it had me wondering for a long time. © ratplague / Reddit

- My mother-in-law was a maid, and I helped her with a large mansion where a weird couple lived. The wife did not rewear her underwear. We were not to go into the basement. I still peeked down
there and saw. © 2greenToes / Reddit - This one woman had us move some furniture and there was this one piece that was like a tall box with a sheet over it. She made it very clear that……..